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Hola Titánicos, cada tercer viernes de marzo se celebra el día mundial del sueño, este año bajo el lema: "Haz de la salud del sueño una prioridad" destacando la necesidad de abordar los trastornos del sueño, que afectan a millones de personas en todo el mundo y pueden impactar significativamente en su calidad de vida.

Somosdisc@ · Día Mundial del Sueño 2025 - Somosdisc@Cada tercer viernes de marzo se celebra el día mundial del sueño, Este año bajo el lema: "Haz de la salud del sueño una prioridad".

"The cuts in those two divisions mean there will be far fewer staff members to finish the 12,000 pending federal investigations into allegations of civil rights violations at schools — roughly half of which involve disability issues — and fewer employees to review and distribute government-funded research into effective ways to educate children with autism or severe intellectual disabilities."

NBC News · How Education Department layoffs could impact students with disabilitiesPor Tyler Kingkade

Hola Titánicos, cada segundo jueves de marzo se celebra el día mundial del Riñón, este año bajo el lema de "¿están bien tus riñones? Descúbrelo a tiempo, protege tu salud renal”, con el objetivo de crear conciencia acerca de la importancia de la prevención en el diagnóstico.

Somosdisc@ · Día Mundial del Riñón 2025 - Somosdisc@Cada segundo jueves de marzo se celebra el día mundial del Riñón: "¿están bien tus riñones? Descúbrelo a tiempo, protege tu salud renal”.

#AskFedi bc I need a refresher:

Were there, or were there not, studies during the *designated pandemic years (2020-21)* (/s) re: #Covid19 + #ClimateChange impact on gut health, with one major symptom being something like the stomach flu?

If anyone has the links and receipts, PLEASE REPLY!

Even a local newspaper here in West Bengal, India, carried a headline recently re: the outbreak of a kind of stomach flu, with symptoms such as lack of appetite, exhaustion, indigestion, and diarrhoea. My BFFs are down with it, and I am, too. And yesterday the news announced an oncoming heat wave this weekend 🫠

EDIT 15:33 HRS: following @hopeward 's clue, I think this could be a norovirus outbreak, because reading up on it, the symptoms all match. I don't know if the TV news channels have covered it at all.

Masking is sporadic here, almost rare. I still mask up, but ~ it does get difficult to breathe in a mask at 12:30 PM at 36°C ~ especially when chronic pain makes it hard for me to breathe even at home. Outside, there's also significant shaming and peer pressure to NOT mask up.

And as always, it's way worse for people with #Disabilities and #ChronicIllness (for instance: me), but people in this ableist, fascist hellhole of a country never want to talk about it.

“If we truly want to support students with #disabilities, we must strengthen, not abandon, our public schools instead of draining money from our public schools. Why not fix our system, fully fund our special ed schools, reduce those class sizes, hire and train more special ed teachers, and expand access to transition programs to prepare students for life after high school?”

The Texas Observer · Marathon Hearing on School Vouchers Features Intense Bipartisan Opposition“There is a disconnect between the rhetoric and what the bill actually says,” Democrat James Talarico summarized of House Bill 3.

People with #disabilities and their parents who voted for Trump are about to get what they wished for. Before the Department of #Education existed, only 1 in 5 children with disabilities attended school. Today, over 15% of students receive special education. The department administors federal funding ($15 billion in (2024) to ensure states support these students.

New AmericaCutting the U.S. Department of Education Harms Millions of Students with DisabilitiesThe U.S. Department of Education plays a key role in protecting and supporting students with disabilities.

Today in Labor History March 3, 1903: U.S. Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1903, also called the Anarchist Exclusion Act, which bolstered previous immigration law, while adding four new classes of banned people: anarchists, people with epilepsy, beggars, and importers of prostitutes. Congress first discussed banning anarchists from entering the U.S. in 1889, in the wake of the Haymarket affair, when 8 innocent anarchists were framed for a bombing at a public demonstration in support of the eight-hour workday. Then, in 1901, Leon F. Czolgosz, a self-proclaimed anarchist, assassinated President William McKinley. The police responded by arresting numerous anarchists who had no connection whatsoever to the assassination, including Emma Goldman. The new immigration law had minimal effect. Over the next 11 years, only 11 anarchists were denied entry into the U.S., and four were expelled, under the law, including British anarchist John Turner.

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Como acabo de comentar, cada 28 de febrero se celebra el día mundial de las enfermedades raras, este año bajo el lema: "pERsonas", poniendo el foco en quienes hay detrás de cada diagnóstico, cada tratamiento y cada investigación: las personas y sus familias.

Podéis encontrar toda la información del articulo de hoy en el siguiente enlace: )

Es por ello por lo que os muestro la infografía que os he preparado para las Enfermedades Raras, intentando concentrar los datos y cifras más relevantes sobre este tema.

Para las personas con dificultad visual tenéis toda la información ALT de la imagen, he intentado ser lo mas concisa posible ya que describir una infografía no es de lo mas sencillo.

(De manera que aprovecho para deciros que se aceptan criticas constructivas referentes al ALT cuando se trata de una infografía)

Hola Titánicos, cada 28 de febrero se celebra el día mundial de las enfermedades raras, este año bajo el lema: "pERsonas", poniendo el foco en quienes hay detrás de cada diagnóstico, cada tratamiento y cada investigación: las personas y sus familias.

Somosdisc@ · Día Mundial de las Enfermedades Raras 2025 - Somosdisc@Hola Titánicos, cada 28 de febrero se celebra el día mundial de las enfermedades raras, este año bajo el lema: "pERsonas".

“17 GOP state AGs are trying to scrap a 1973 law that protects people w/disabilities from discrimination & ensures equal access to education, healthcare, employment etc. The states say they're only targeting the addition of gender dysphoria—but they're not.”
-R Sollenberger

Many Republican political leaders are inhumane ableists.

#USPol #Disabilities #Ableism #Constitution #ADA #HHS

Fast Company · 17 red states are suing to end federal disability protections. Here’s how you can support Section 504GOP attorneys general want to undo more than 50 years of legal rights because a portion of disability law was expanded to cover gender dysphoria.
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These Are the SpaceX Engineers Already Working Inside the #FAA

#SpaceX engineers were said to be simply touring the Federal Aviation Administration on Monday. In fact, some were already being onboarded at the agency under a policy designed to increase “employment opportunities for people with disabilities.”

"Schedule A... allows #government managers to “hire persons w/ #disabilities without requiring them to compete for the job”

¿Qué es la cataplexia? Este trastorno se caracteriza por la pérdida del tono muscular ante emociones fuertes, ya sean positivas o negativas, por lo que la persona afectada puede experimentar una caída después de un episodio de risa, estrés o ira.

Somosdisc@ · ¿Qué es la cataplexia? - Somosdisc@¿Qué es la cataplexia? Este trastorno se caracteriza por la pérdida del tono muscular ante emociones fuertes, ya sean positivas o negativas.