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“It’s more government, more bureaucracy, more money, and there’s no oversight. And it’s taxation without representation,. The taxpayers don’t get to pick who these private companies are that our tax dollars are going into. So that is not a free market.”

The Texas Observer · How Voucher Vendors Could Make Millions from ‘School Choice’ in TexasThe Legislature’s current proposals put a handful of private contractors in the driver’s seat. Other states have already seen problems.

As Greg Abbott aims to force vouchers through the Texas Legislature during the 89th session, private companies like 'ClassWallet' have descended on the capitol, after the lucrative contracts which could result if they're support of the governor's policies pays off.

The Texas Observer · How Voucher Vendors Could Make Millions from ‘School Choice’ in TexasThe Legislature’s current proposals put a handful of private contractors in the driver’s seat. Other states have already seen problems.

“If we truly want to support students with #disabilities, we must strengthen, not abandon, our public schools instead of draining money from our public schools. Why not fix our system, fully fund our special ed schools, reduce those class sizes, hire and train more special ed teachers, and expand access to transition programs to prepare students for life after high school?”

The Texas Observer · Marathon Hearing on School Vouchers Features Intense Bipartisan Opposition“There is a disconnect between the rhetoric and what the bill actually says,” Democrat James Talarico summarized of House Bill 3.

“What matters is who actually gets the funds; who actually gets admitted; or who’s already been admitted.”

New from @josephinelee: A House committee heard over 23 hours of testimony from those concerned about the future of public education if #vouchers become law. Objections came from both sides of the aisle.

The Texas Observer · Marathon Hearing on School Vouchers Features Intense Bipartisan Opposition“There is a disconnect between the rhetoric and what the bill actually says,” Democrat James Talarico summarized of House Bill 3.

“Private #schools might find themselves under no obligation to accept any of our kids; they could be rejected because of their religious affiliation, their disabilities, on the grounds that they’re not bright enough, because the school administrators don’t like their looks—any reason not specifically excluded by law.”

The Texas Observer · Molly Ivins on School Vouchers (1997)Another bad idea whose time has come in the Texas Legislature is upon us. It's time to revive my old proposal that Texas be made into a national laboratory for bad government. Having a bad idea in your state? Come to Texas and see how it works out in practice.

"Now maybe, just maybe, some upper-middle-class folks might be able to afford a fancy private school with a voucher to help, but working-class and middle-class kids are going to be stuck just where they always were. Why should we spend public money to help just that one thin slice of the population when it won’t improve the public #schools?"

Texas public education has become a battleground for right-wing ideologues aiming to embed Christian nationalist values in the classroom and to defund or privatize the state’s public schools, which currently serve about 5.5 million students. This 89th Legislative Session is no different.

The Texas Observer · Public Education Bills: the Good, the Bad, and the UglyConservative state lawmakers have filed hundreds of bills targeting the school finance system, LGBTQ+ students, undocumented immigrant children, and more.