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"People Are Strange" is a song by the American #rock band #theDoors. It appears on the band's second studio album, #StrangeDays, released in September 1967. The song was written by the Doors' vocalist #JimMorrison and guitarist #RobbyKrieger, although all of the band are credited on the sleeve notes. The track was first released with "Unhappy Girl" as the B-side. It peaked at number 12 on the #Billboard #Hot100 chart.

Yesterday's #GuessTheMovieBuilding
Has appeared in a number of films inc:
#Interstellar (2014) #Heat (1995)
#TrueLies (1994) #BladeRunner (1982)
#RainMan (1988) #StrangeDays (1995)
#Darkman (1990) #InTheLineOfFire (1993)
#NickOfTime (1995) #Showtime (2002)
#BattleOfTheSexes (2017) #StateOfPlay (2009)
#HardToKill (1990) #BlueThunder (1983)
#TheDriver (1978) #Breathless (1983)
#MidnightMadness (1980) #AlienNation (1988)
#ForgetParis (1995) #MovingViolations (1985)
#BuckRogersInThe25thCentury (1979) #ModernGirls (1986)
#PlayingGod (1997) #TheNakedTruth (1992)
#Chronos (1985) #TrancersIII (1992)
#UndergroundAces (1981) #DoubleTap (1997)
#Condor (1985) #TheHuntedLady (1977)
#Velvet (1984) #TheStreetsOfLA (1979)
TV series inc:
#MacGyver #Matlock #Alias
#StarskyAndHutch #Moonlighting

In reality, Westin Bonaventure Hotel, South Figueroa Street, L.A., California, USA 🇺🇸
#Architecture #FilmArchitecture #FilmMastodon 📽️ 🎬

Continuó el hilo

Una de las personalidades más influidas por el trabajo de ha sido sin dudas . A tal punto, que el mismo , supo decir alguna vez: “Si Kerouac no hubiese escrito “En el Camino”, “The Doors” nunca hubiese existido”. Por eso elegimos , que, como la novela, señala la incomodidad de los lugares comunes agravada por los convulsos años 60´