"Changes" is a song by the English musician #DavidBowie from his 1971 album #HunkyDory. #RCARecords then released it as a #single from the album on 7 January 1972. Written following his promotional tour of America in early 1971, "Changes" was recorded at #TridentStudios in London between June and July that year. Co-produced by Bowie and #KenScott, it featured #RickWakeman on piano and the musicians who would later become known as #theSpidersFromMars—#MickRonson.
"Changes" is a song by the English singer-songwriter #DavidBowie from his 1971 album #HunkyDory. #RCARecords then released it as a #single from the album on 7 January 1972. Written following his promotional tour of America in early 1971, "Changes" was recorded at #TridentStudios in London between June and July that year. Co-produced by Bowie and #KenScott, it featured #RickWakeman on piano.
"Life on Mars?" is a song by the English singer-songwriter #DavidBowie, first released on his 1971 album #HunkyDory. Bowie wrote the song as a parody of #FrankSinatra's "#MyWay". "#LifeOnMars?" was recorded on 6 August 1971 at #TridentStudios in London, and was co-produced by Bowie and #KenScott. Bowie's backing band consisted of guitarist and #stringArranger #MickRonson, bassist #TrevorBolder, drummer #MickWoodmansey and #Strawbs member #RickWakeman on piano.
"Changes" is a song by the English singer-songwriter #DavidBowie from his 1971 album #HunkyDory. #RCARecords then released it as a #single from the album on 7 January 1972. Written following his promotional tour of America in early 1971, "Changes" was recorded at #TridentStudios in London between June and July that year. Co-produced by Bowie and #KenScott, it featured #RickWakeman on piano.
Great Albums - 1970s: #DavidBowie – #HunkyDory (1971). This was the last LP for Bowie as a struggling singer-songwriter, before Ziggy and the Thin White Duke propelled him to stardom. Having much to prove is how “Changes,” “Oh! You Pretty Things,” “Life on Mars,” etc. manage to sound obsessively crafted and completely unchained at the same time. Mick Ronson and Rick Wakeman levitate the arrangements on an LP where not a single thing is lacking.
#GreatAlbums1970s, #Vinyl, #Album, #Rock, #Pop
Hay discos que no tienen el reconocimiento merecido en el momento de ser publicados como producto de las ideas imperantes en el momento de su salida. Esta suerte de miopía le tocó sufrirla a #HunkyDory, el disco de #Bowie que conoció la calle el 17 de diciembre de 1971. El trabajo es un gran homenaje a figuras como Lou Reed, Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan e Iggy Pop y en la tapa a Marleen Dietrich. Desde lo musical rompió con las ideas de hard rock de su predecesor para presentar una mezcla de estilos como el pop rock, el glam y el art rock.