It took me two hours to write the alt text lmao, no wonder I took so long to upload this one...
This is yet another piece of old art, from around 2017? It was done for a class in grad school technically, and I say technically because I didn't have to draw the two, but the point of the class was to design with collages (per se) and look, I WILL take any opportunity to draw my children. So Ara and Wyda from my comic, it were. I originally wanted to try drawing them like Orthodox icons (with relevant design details for both, as Wyda is a jinn, so "another pantheon") but due to lack of time, I couldn't do it. I opted for this layout instead.
These are some of my favorite pictures of all time, to be honest. Ara especially, as at this time I tended to have problems drawing her facial structure and this was one of the first illustrations where it was finally starting to "stick!"
The Enochian writing involves a long story but to try to make it short: I use the Enochian alphabet for the angel and devil species in my comic but the language used *with it* is a conlang of my own. I never made a page for it on my webcomic's site because while it's popped up in the comic here and there, there's a scene where Ara DOES go into it with the main character and I've been waiting for that...Well. IDK, maybe I could just make a temp conlang page, anyway, digression! The text says "dakiniara esrevinu." No, I'm not telling you what it means yet, but you're supposed to read it bottom to top, right to left. :P
For Wyda's, I originally wanted to make a conlang for jinn, although of course influenced by Arabic and all relevant aspects of the place of origin--but again, more lack of time for that (because I hadn't made it yet for the comic either), so I...went for a mishmash of Arabic writing because I went "well, you're not supposed to understand the jinn, so it could just read like/sound gibberish to human ears..."
I still intend to go with my original idea but for the purposes of this image, it is what it is. Sorry! For what it's worth, the two lines used WERE real phrases and words relevant to Wyda, but uh. I can't find my notes, so I'll edit this one day if I ever find them!
Not sure what else to say lol. Third image is how they looked for showing IRL. Hope you enjoy!