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Unter unseren Followern befinden sich doch auch einige Menschen der schreibenden Zunft. Sind darunter evtl. auch welche, die Erfahrung in der Erstellung von #eBooks im #EPUB-Format haben? Welche Programme sind denn hier unter #Linux empfehlenswert? Und nicht nur für die reine Erstellung, sondern bspw. auch zur Validierung des Buches oder zur Konvertierung in andere Formate (PDF, HTML etc.). Eine Änderungsverfolgung mittels eines Codeverwaltungssystems wäre ebenfalls hilfreich.

🆕 blog! “Extracting content from an LCP "protected" ePub”

As Cory Doctorow once said "Any time that someone puts a lock on something that belongs to you but won't give you the key, that lock's not there for you."

But here's the thing with the LCP DRM scheme; they do give you the key! As I've written about previously, LCP mostly relies on the user…

👀 Read more:

#debugging #drm #ebooks #epub

Chrome debug screen.
Terence Eden’s Blog · Extracting content from an LCP "protected" ePub
Más de Terence Eden

#ScribesAndMakers 13. Shameless Self-Promotion Day. Let's boost away.

Was totally excited when my debut #fantasy novel, "Of Squires and Knights," became a finalist for the 2023 American Writing Awards in the fantasy category.

Here's a short bit from one of the descriptions:

"Abuse of power and corruption are not what Jonathan would ever expect at Consany Castle—especially during his last year as a squire."

Does anyone else know of a good self hosted ebook library server that can be used with native multi-platform reading app support and sync reading progress?

I really don't want to read books from a web app, I want to be able to read while offline whether on my iPhone, iPad or my Boox e-reader (Android)

I love the way BookFusion works, but I don't want to rely on their cloud storage (or any company's cloud storage for that matter)
#FOSS #SelfHosted #ebooks #nas #HomeLab

Do you need an #European e-reader and tablet?

The reMarkable 🇳🇴 is a very serious European alternative created by a Norwegian startup.

⚠️ To avoid temptations, if you don't need one, don't visit their website or watch their videos, otherwise you may end up buying one, as we did. We love it but it's not cheap, as they only produce it in small quantities. ⚠️

The reMarkable is an E Ink writing tablet designed for reading documents and textbooks, sketching, and taking notes. It's designed to feel like writing on paper.

What we like the most:

- you can read #ebooks or documents in various formats, including pdf. It's like a Kindle. And you can make notes in your ebooks, for example.

- it REALLY feels like you're writing and sketching on paper. It's impressively well done ✏️

- there are many of different templates you can use and download on the internet 📃

- you can write notes by hand and convert them into digital text. It can even translate your handwritten text into another language 💬

- you can also automatically save your files in the cloud and in your computer. 💻 ☁️

If you're interested, you can find more information on their website, which is full of useful tips.

Do you have any too? We'd love to know what you think! 😊