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32 publicaciones26 participantes0 publicaciones hoy

Hey Chooms! It's time to fight the Galactic Empire and bring peace back to the galaxy!

I've got Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back seeding over #Veilid :veilid: today, as we need some good antifascist flicks shared for everyone! But this is a special one: it's also one of the "Despecialized" editions of ESB, meaning it's exactly as movie-goers in 1980 saw it.. no special extras, no new effects, none of that... just clean, color balanced, and fresh from 1980!

Grab using distrans (now stigmerge):

distrans fetch VLD0:OR0RR-Gc7cZMzA_6ZtzpN96DNRuk1qGMX63JeXl4vHU

Enjoy, my friends, and may the Force be with you all! :hackers_town:

#StarWars #KeepCirculatingTheTapes 📼

Gerade fiel mir auf, dass mir noch zwei #MAD "Meisterwerke" Bücher fehlen. Die von #DonMartin, #SergioAragones usw. habe ich, das Buch mit den #StarWars #Parodie​n konnte ich gerade noch bestellen. Aber das #SpionVsSpion ist leider weg. Nur 1x auf #Kleinanzeigen für 114 Euro zu finden 😱

Oh, aber es gibt noch eine günstigere, englische Omnibus-Ausgabe von 2023. 🔎🧐 Ist bestellt!

[Dem Kleinanzeigen-Menschen habe ich einen Preisvorschlag geschickt, ich denke nicht, dass er darauf eingeht...]

Respondió en el hilo

#WordWeavers 3.11 — What’s your most useful skill that could help you in your story’s world?

Minding my own business! I'd be able to survive just by doing that. To be fair, it's a dog eat dog galaxy. You have to do what you can to remain amongst the living. I'd probably be a tarot reader on the street, catching coin / credits whenever I can. I'm a medium, so it fits. You need to get in contact with your lost loved ones? Come talk to me, for a price.

Me: *sees something shady happening*
Me: *minds my own business and leaves*
Me: I didn't see a thing, officer. Sorry.

Of course @jgeekstudies would publish this. 🙂

"The ability of the Rancor to snap the femur with apparent ease poses interesting questions: (1) how much dorso-lateral force is required to snap a femur of the size used by Luke to stave off the Rancor in ROTJ? (2) Could the Rancor generate such force with its jaws? Lastly, (3) could any other extinct or extant organisms generate such force?"

Journal of Geek Studies · Is a bone a viable weapon when combating a Rancor? Estimating the bite force of an intergalactic mega-predatorStephan Lautenschlager1,2 & Thomas Clements3 1School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. 2The Lapworth Museum of Geology, Birmingham, UK. 3…