And if it WAS Ukraine, I hope they do it again and again!
@appassionato @photography @ukraine RIP brave soldier. This young man was willing to fight for democracy. It didn’t matter what country he was doing it in, he served democracies all over the world. #uspol #gop #SlavaUkrainii
Are YOU an embarrassed American?
Sign this letter of support to President Zelenskyy
Please sign and boost!
When I was a kid (a fucking long time ago, lol), we would look out for kids that were being bullied. We would then, all together, confront the bully, let him know we had our on him, that certain actions would have consequences. Most times, it worked. Sometimes, however, we had to apply #FAFO
@stux #SlavaUkrainii Dammit if I was younger, I would actually go over and fight or at least make drones and whatever I could do to help.
I love these clips!
Newsy limerick for today
Don Snorleone sleeps through his trial
Then "truths" out his rage like a child
While Trump oozes gas
Ukraine aid has passed
For democracy there'll be NO denial!
Victoria Amelina, escritora ucraniana, acaba de morir a manos de un cohete ruso luego de que un misil asegurase la paz rusa bombardeando una Pizzería. La pobre mujer, pagó con su vida por una mozzarella.
Lo dejo acá, así los pro rusos se alegran.
Yo voy a donar 100 dólares en su honor a una brigada que fertiliza con rusos el sufrido suelo de Ucrania, en su honor.
Read my statement at the #EPlenary!Gx8c9B
We must support Ukraine as much as we can towards victory. This is the only way to end Russia’s brutal war and ensure that Europe are safe from this aggressor.
La Russia dovrà pagare caro il massacro della popolazione civile Ucraina. Mi auguro che l’Occidente si persuada ad intervenire il prima possibile in modo più consistente fornendo armi a lungo raggio e supporto aereo all’Ucraina. #SlavaUkrainii