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"Fat Bottomed Girls" is a song by the British #rock band #Queen. Written by guitarist #BrianMay, the song appears on the band's seventh studio album #Jazz (1978) and later on their compilation album #GreatestHits. When released as a single with "#BicycleRace", the song reached number 11 in the #UKSinglesChart and number 24 in the #Billboard Hot 100 in the US. The song is formed around an open #bluesy, metallic guitar tuning, and opens with its chorus.

🎸 Brian May preocupó a todos tras revelar que sufrió un "leve derrame cerebral", que le hizo perder temporalmente el control de uno de sus brazos. Aunque el episodio fue "aterrador", el legendario guitarrista de 77 años ya se está recuperando y seguirá en reposo por indicación médica.

Conoce todos los detalles en nuestra web 👉

#BrianMay #Queen #Rockaxis


"Fat Bottomed Girls" is a song by the British #rock band #Queen. Written by guitarist #BrianMay, the song appears on the band's seventh studio album #Jazz (1978) and later on their compilation album #GreatestHits. When released as a single with "#BicycleRace", the song reached number 11 in the #UKSinglesChart and number 24 in the #Billboard Hot 100 in the US. The song is formed around an open #bluesy, metallic guitar tuning, and opens with its chorus.