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Heu pensat que el mateix estat que ha perseguit durant 11 anys, i encara ho fa, l'Edward Snowden i ha tingut reclòs com una rata i pendent de la guillotina en Julian Assange durant 14 anys, ambdós per "revelació de secrets d'estat" ara els està regalant tots per la p**a cara als tecnòcrates de Silicon Valley?
Food for thought, que diuen els anglosaxons.

Reconocen que el 90% de medios ucranianos, de fuera y dentro del país, dependen de la financiación de #USAID (no hablan de la UE, que también). #Meduza se ha quedado con la mitad de sus fondos; sin embargo, recordemos que, entre otros, este medio, que se arroga ser independiente, ha censurado cualquier información que pueda parecer pro-rusa, así como el asesinato de #Lira, la persecución a #Assange y la de periodistas alemanes como Alina Lipp, que osaron viajar al #Donbass para explicar su versión.
Y es que no se trata de ser pro o anti, sino independiente en un mundo que se vende como libre.

rsf.orgUSA: Trump’s foreign aid freeze throws journalism around the world into chaosPresident Donald Trump has frozen billions of dollars around the world in aid projects, including over $268 million allocated by Congress to support independent media and the free flow of information. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) denounces this decision, which has plunged NGOs, media outlets, and journalists doing vital work into chaotic uncertainty. RSF calls on international public and private support to commit to the sustainability of independent media.
Respondió en el hilo

@freemo Dark times...

I guess apart from that unthinkingness one has to somewhat anyway "back your own team" or side with who pays the bills... ?

Not many relationships or structures seems to allow logic or reasoning...or space between people to figure it out using more moderated way... with all levels of management or peers present or just something more neutrally somehow....
looooool dream world talking there!!

So kind of I don't blame people, because those that do think (those I've seen and all the net I've tried) they themselves are in a big pickle about just speaking or thinking about how bad it is and constantly very troubled what to do about it (and a lot ignore it).
So while thinking is good process (lol funny to say that) there isn't much obvious way show by others other than semi-suicide to use your own body as a kind of undoing from being born in debt-based unthinking society that you can mostly ONLY either continue doing the same debt-based stuff or take the hit yourself somehow in doing something #Greta / #Rogerhallam / #Assange style to try wake others up a bit more.

Aaaaanyway... just on the subject of people in mass going along with evil, here's an interesting video that might explain it well !

"Mass Formation Psychosis" by #MattiasDesmet

#Psychology of people is perhaps not just a modern thing but it's stronger-than-ever today in the mindset and further design abusing it all.
Not least debt-based systems which result in lack of time from people trying to hunt constantly for negative-math money slipping ever far away from society... leading to not much incentive to think - it's a total loss to some degree, debt only being part of what people don't invest in each other without institution.

Investing in each other without institutions is difficult.

People want to feel more "in" than totally "out" in some collective and that is what systems are often planning to do that from those creators/managers behind it who don't really care...

Would love to hear your thoughts... hope it's not totally way off.

At least this time nobody can credibly blame #Assange for #trump 's election!

(The same who did last time will again find -i am sure- ways to avoid honestly assessing 1/ how broken is the US election system 2/ how tragically corrupt is the bi-partisan system 3/ how comically bad is the DNC 4/ how weak was their candidate, almost indistiguishable from the worst...5/ how racist, mysogynist, violent is the population... 6/ how much participating in twitter is part of the problem...)

@xavifree @davidsegarra

Simplement cal usar el sentit comú. Una denúncia la pot posar qualsevol. Contra l' #Assange, contra l' #EduardPujol ( ), contra en #Trias (comptes a Andorra).

Suposo que ja compten amb que la claca en farà escarni i si després resulta que era un muntatge "ya si eso..."

El que cal demanar és que la justícia sigui ràpida, no que la #justicía la facin els tuitàries segons les seves fílies i fòbies.

RAC1 · Una de les dues dones que van acusar Eduard Pujol, a un pas del banc dels acusatsPor Autor Redacció

I just heard that Alison Mason passed, back in her native Australia. 😭

She relentlessly organized and mobilized for the defense of #Assange. ✊

During lockdown and beyond, with a small group of people she kept mobilized and cared for, they took the streets every day, making Assange's persecution one of the topics always visible around the landmarks of London...
