Estamos llegando a unos niveles de cinismo que flipo. Tenemos que escuchar que Hitler era comunista.
Es tan sencillo como leer el primer párrafo de la entrada Mi lucha en la #Wikipedia: "[...] los dos males del mundo: el comunismo y el judaísmo."

Estamos llegando a unos niveles de cinismo que flipo. Tenemos que escuchar que Hitler era comunista.
Es tan sencillo como leer el primer párrafo de la entrada Mi lucha en la #Wikipedia: "[...] los dos males del mundo: el comunismo y el judaísmo."
The erasure of this Black #MedalOfHonor recipient is another example of what I'm helping to document on @wikipedia with the help of the @internetarchive.
Here's a #Wikipedia article on International Harvester with links to the articles on the Scout, Travelall and other models.
The Scout was one of those things my friends and I wanted to have "when we grew up". Now maybe I'll have my chance :-)
EDIT: Since I remember the original I guess it's pretty clear I'm now well past "grown up", at least chronologically....
24 Jahre Wikipedia – ein Meilenstein für Freies Wissen!
Seit 24 Jahren ermöglichen Ehrenamtliche freien Zugang zu Wissen – gemeinschaftlich & kostenlos. Die deutschsprachige Wikipedia startete nur einen Tag nach der Ankündigung neuer Sprachversionen und ist heute mit fast 3 Mio. Artikeln die zweitgrößte weltweit.
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die Wikipedia mitgestalten!
The Wikipedia article for aigrette is really really short and has nothing about the historical bird murder. If I dig up the paragraph, does a Victorian book work as a citation? Does anyone want to mention that on there?
(For reasons of avoiding being lost in eleven thousand rabbit holes I am not allowing myself to edit wikipedia pages.)
@schwarzPhotoBot It is interesting to find this picture in the Berlin Digital Museum. We should include it on his #Wikipedia page (
Voice of America fermerait. Wikimedia Commons perd une source de documents dans le domaine public. #VOA #WikiCommons #Wikipedia
The future of free and open access isn't about saying “wait, not like that” — it’s about saying "yes, like that, but under fair terms”.
It would be wise for these companies to begin prioritizing the ongoing health of the commons. It would also be wise for the rest of us to not rely on AI companies to come to their senses or develop a conscience en masse, and instead force them to engage on creators’ terms.
Anyone at an AI company who stops to think for half a second should be able to recognize they have a vampiric relationship with the commons. By operating in this purely extractive way, they destroy the things that underpin their businesses.
Instead of worrying about “wait, not like that”, I think we need to reframe the conversation to “wait, not only like that” or “wait, not in ways that threaten open access itself”.
But if we want to create a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge, we should stop attempting to wall off the commons.
The impulse is often to tighten the licenses, or stop publishing under free licenses (if at all). But this threatens to destroy the very commons we set out to build.
The free and open access vision is inspiring, but there are instances in which people who freely license their work go “wait, no, not like that”. People reselling their free works, tech companies profiting off their FOSS code, and AI companies training on their material.
Newsletter: The real threat isn't AI using open knowledge — it's AI companies killing the projects that make knowledge free. The future of free and open access isn't saying “wait, not like that” — it’s saying "yes, like that, but under fair terms”.
Stolpersteine goes Wikidata
Es gibt ein neues Projekt der Wiki-Community, „Stolpersteine goes Wikidata“. Dadurch sollen alle Informationen zu den Personen und den Verlege-Orten der Gedenksteine für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus digital verfügbar werden.
In meinem Wohnort wurden gerade erst im letzten Monat vier Stolpersteine verlegt. Vielleicht kann ich das Projekt mit Bildern und Daten unterstützen.
@j3j5 ah mirá, tanto revuelo por ganar un viaje a montevideo? jaja
por un momento pensé que se había muerto el puma rodríguez!!! pero no, solo fue a un programa de televisión que se llama el hormiguero
lo que me falta saber es por qué es tendencia la peli XXX
@raymondpert @roknrol @Urban_Hermit You just got to love #Wikipedia!
En route pour la journée d'études consacrée au mouvement #Wikimedia. #Dicen #Wikipedia #Wikifunctions #Wikidata