New tinnitus treatment emerges from blocking back-channels in the ear

New tinnitus treatment emerges from blocking back-channels in the ear
Ach, wie angenehm ist so ein #Tinnitus mit ~70 Hz ...
Aprovechando el #vamonosjuntas voy a rehacer y mejorar mi #presentación para la gente nueva
Trabajo como Auxiliar de ayuda a domicilio y es un trabajo que por suerte se me da bien y disfruto #AyudaaDomicilio
Soy aficionada a la #Informática y los sistemas operativos, sobre todo #GNULinux y me gusta probar otras distribuciones. Pero ojo, no soy programadora
Estoy titulada en #grabadoyestampacion y bachillerato de #arte y me gusta mucho #dibujar crear #personajes y escribir #historias .También me gusta la #acuarela
Me gusta lo de antaño y soy nostálgica, sobre todo el #hardwareretro y los #videojuegosretro
Tengo a mis viejas amigas, mi #psp y mi #ps2
Tengo la fiebre de la nostalgia de los #2000s
Algunos de los juegos y sagas que más me gustan son #CrashBandicoot #spyro #lossims #supermariobros #ghostngoblins y más por el estilo
Súper friki de #StevenUniverse #codigolyoko y #winxclub
Soy #neurodivergente y tengo #tdah además lidio cada día con la #ansiedad y con una #discapacidad auditiva con #tinnitus
Además soy del colectivo #LGBTQ por ser una mujer #trans
También me gusta hacer #activismo en algunas ocasiones pero yo os lo digo. Soy una ignorante que aprende y que no tiene ni de lejos la verdad absoluta
Un placer gente y bienvenides al fediverso!!
dreaming of silence
modems singing in old ears
#vss365 #silence
#poem #poetry #community
#tinnitus #isolation
@murdoc @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic Be careful around sustained loud noises (like a rock concert or construction noise) ... I have moderate and continuous #tinnitus as a result.
Hola Titánicos, el tinnitus, también conocido como acúfeno, es la percepción de sonido que no tiene una fuente externa, como zumbido, rugido o un timbre en los oídos.
Gedankliches #rumbrüllen geht kontinuierlich und das absolute Gehör ist in #Wahrheit nur ein wohl temperierter #Tinnitus. #Gn8
Cool observation on the #tinnitus today: the base pitch is omnipresent, but I have sporadic waves at the 6th above coming in almost rhythmically (in a kind of syncopated way but arhythmically) that manifests as a different timbre that's more reed-derived. There's also a squeal pitch which I can't define. Layered into all of that is the chromatic turn, a mid-register ostinato which is moving at about 16th note rate but slides in and out of being a cluster-chord
it's cool, but it's exhausting
@moonrabbit I'm seeing the doctor Saturday and that should clear up one side; the other is just an ear infection --side effect of viral bronchitis, I'm having a month! -- and the pressure provides a high double-squeal so that is also temporary and should subside once the earache subsides. It's weird, though since on one side #tinnitus manifests like an accordion chord and the other as a high register squeal. And they're out of tune to the world ("off pitch") but also out of tune to one another.
I decided to let the #tinnitus suggest the choice of playlist but it's about a quarter tone off from Saint Saens Symphony 3 which is cognitive dissonance that doesn't really help with appreciating the music
anybody have an hack for adjusting the tuning (pitch) on a youtube playback? I'd love to hack around and find a solution before I spend hours prepping Mahler for next week's class...
On the bright side, my brain is compensating for the ear blockage by producing a rollicking round of tinnitus
Edited to update:
Thanks to *everyone* for their awesome replies! But... I've been daft and forgot I had earbuds for war protection that could do the job as well without me needing to spend money on something new.... I really appreciate all the support!
The Toot about me being daft is here: just in case you're interested
#DareToAsk @actuallyautistic especially the folks that have tinnitus.
I've always been very sensitive to several things, but this relates to sounds.
A sweet friend suggested the Loop earplugs to me. And, to be honest, I have looked them up several times before. But... I rather ask my Fedi friends this question:
Are you NeuroSpicy and preferably with tinnitus and... Have you got any experience with Loops ?
If you are ND and don't have tinnitus, I'll still eager to learn about your experience!
What kind do you use? I saw so many of them... What do they do for you? And, also very important (hence my addition of the tinnitus bit): are you more aware of the tinnitus sounds when you're wearing the Loops?
My fear is that not only the bad sounds get filtered, but also the "good white noise", that I will become more focused/aware on/of the 24/7 hours of beeping in both my ears.
I really would appreciate to learn of your experience!!! Boosts are really appreciated!
I have *no idea* how many replies this Toot may get. I'll try to answer all I can, but I'm low on spoons (triggered too much by sounds today), so if I "only" like the answer, then I have seen it and I really appreciate your time and effort to share your experiences with me.
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"Last year I was in the top 1% of Spotify listeners from over 400 million users"
#Tinnitus #Headache #Headaches #Hypersensitivity #HearingLoss #ActuallyAutistic
I'm curious if there are any hashtags that can be followed to help warn people with auditory sensitivities about painful high pitched noises that happen in movies, tv shows, video games, music, or any other form of media that incorporates audio into it's format.
Stuff like this warns about flashing lights and stuff for people that may suffer from epilepsy, but it doesn't warn for painful noises for people who would be sensitive to this, and knowing in advance whether or not something is going to feel like having nails driven into your ear lobes would be pretty handy.
If not, I think we should start a hashtag so that people can keep up with and update others when they encounter something that has painful sounds.
For example, the latest episode of #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds was painful enough to make me scream in pain last night. So you might want to be on the lookout for Season 2 Episode 4: The Lotus Eaters.
Please boost this, because I think it's a good discussion to have.
#introduction make over for all the newbies.
My name is Patrick Stewart; yes, this is my real name. I'm a father, husband, writer, and publisher.
I run a publication on @medium called The Taoist Online, which you can find here:
I talk a lot about #taoism, #philosophy, my #kids and #wife, and I post a daily #morning #mantra and pictures, so follow along!
I hope to get to know you all more and share my life with you.
If this is all you ever read from me then let it be this: I hope you aren't working too hard and try to let go of your worries. Focus on today because it's all there is.
Tengo el #tinnitus alborotado. Yo oigo dos sonidos. Una frecuencia alta que zumba dentro de mi cabeza y una frecuencia altísima intermitente que suena en mi oído derecho.
La primera la tengo desde tiempos inmemoriales, yo creo que desde el primer concierto al que fui en mi vida. La segunda sí es nueva, de hace un año más o menos. La asocio a las experiencias de ansiedad que he tenido en este tiempo.
No me mortifican en demasía, pero sería feliz si desaparecieran.
I don’t know what I did to anger whatever auditory/neurological gods govern my #tinnitus, but please, how do I make penance and become worthy of forgiveness? ‘cuz holy hell, why is my right ear screaming so loudly right now?!
Seriously. I was just sitting there soldering quietly to myself and the next thing I know, the right side of my head was ringing like a damn bell. I didn’t notice it come on, I just noticed that it was there. Haven’t been able to brain since.
Tinnitus is just weird. (Also annoying.)
I am a retired physiotherapist now working part-time in low-income housing as a personal development coach. I teach cooking, personal finance, and entrepreneurship to the residents I serve.
I am passionate about #socialjustice, #housing, #EvictionPrevention, #FoodInsecurity, #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth, #MentalHealth, #BehavioralHealth, #Recovery, #journaling, #gnomes, #Arizona, #audiobooks, #podcasts, and #gratitude.
I have #ADHD #PTSD #tinnitus #arthritis #lymphedema.
I am a 22 year #cancersurvivor and my motto is: Never give up, never surrender!
I host support groups for 16 Steps #recovery and #IntuitiveEating on Facebook.