The 2 Jefferson Airplane songs that Robert Plant listed as favorites

The 2 Jefferson Airplane songs that Robert Plant listed as favorites
A dickish move by a band.
Kim Joon’s digital images: Kiss (The Rocker)
Images numériques créées par l’artiste Coréen Kim Joon dans la série “The Rocker”, ressemblant à des mains de porcelaine décorées.
"Fool in the Rain" is the third song on #LedZeppelin's 1979 album #InThroughTheOutDoor. It was the last single released in the US before they formally disbanded in 1980. The song reached number 21 on the Billboard Hot 100 on 16 February 1980.
It's only snippets of songs but...
Unseen footage of Led Zeppelin performing in Denmark has surfaced after 45 years – and it's been restored with original audio | Guitar World.
"Kashmir" is a song by the English #rock band #LedZeppelin. Featured on their sixth studio album #PhysicalGraffiti (1975), it was written by #JimmyPage and #RobertPlant with contributions from #JohnBonham over a period of three years with lyrics dating to 1973. #JohnPaulJones was late arriving to the studio for the recording sessions, so did not receive a writer's credit. The song became a concert staple, performed by the band at almost every concert after its release.
5 American Guitarists Jimmy Page Praised in the 70s
Según Jason Bonham, hijo del batería Jon Bonham, celebrará el 50 aniversario de Physical Graffiti con una gira en el verano de 2025.
De momento seguimos disfrutando de esta gran obra.
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Hello #fediverse
My name is Carlotta, I'm 24 and I'm from Italy.
I graduated last year in Science of Climate, a #physics master's degree in Bologna, and now I work as a Data Engineer for a company focused on climate change impacts.
I've been playing the #guitar for many years and I have a band - we are called Embers Lit - where I mainly play #70sRock music.
My favourite band is #LedZeppelin , but I have recently discovered #JeffBuckley (better late than never, right?) and #Opeth and I fell in love.
I also love #gardening - this summer I will try to grow my own vegetables (fingers crossed) - and I adore cooking. I've been #vegan for a couple of years and I have found a great passion for #cooking.
This pretty much sums up who I am and what I'll be posting about! I'm super new to Mastodon and I'm still trying to figure things out, but I'm really excited to be part of this community!
Jimmy Page’s opinion on Jeff Buckley
50 years ago today
24th February 1975 Led Zeppelin released "Physical Graffiti"
Ween – All of My Love (Led Zeppelin cover) [Live in Chicago HD, 2003]
Has anybody out there seen the new documentary, “Becoming Led Zeppelin”?
The story of when a guy pulled a gun on Led Zeppelin in the United States