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Per #Anima2025 annunciata una sneak preview di Lazarus, la nuova serie di Shinichiro #Watanabe, regista di #CowboyBebop. Qui il trailer di assaggio, ma se siete a Bruxelles tra il 26 febbraio e il 9 marzo non perdetevi la preview. YouTubeDisfruta de los vídeos y la música que te gustan, sube material original y comparte el contenido con tus amigos, tu familia y el resto del mundo en YouTube.

The incredible original soundtrack to Cowboy Bebop is now back again on vinyl:

Composed and performed by Yoko Kanno and the band SEATBELTS, the music of #CowboyBebop is one of the signature elements of the series. The energetic jazz-infused pieces rip and roar across the stars and are as indispensable as the crew of the Bebop themselves.

Part of me is saddened by this, as it means the night sky will become polluted with satellites 🛰️ (& future debris) like something out of #CowBoyBebop (a space cowboy anime).

👉🏾 Soon, 1 out of every 15 points of light in the sky will be a satellite

At the same time, these satellites 🛰️ will enable people to connect to the Internet via dish 📡 who could not before.

#Astronomy 🔭 will definitely suffer (at least on earth 🌎).

The ConversationSoon, 1 out of every 15 points of light in the sky will be a satelliteMegaconstellations of satellites will visually clutter the night sky, disrupting astronomical research. And the environmental damage caused by these satellites is still unknown.