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KDE is the best desktop solution usability-wise, by far. This is true with the basic functionality, this is true with the advanced features.

Does it have bugs and shortcomings? Sure, but it's so much better than, let's say, Windows or Mac, it's just crazy.

A simple example I used just now - block select in Konsole. It was added many years ago, and I've been using it every now and then since that dat.

In a world where the sets of rules that have governed us as humanity are rapidly changing, how will we know if the solutions that we are designing now are going to be fit for purpose?

Aarathi Krishnan, international aid expert, specialising in humanitarian futures and strategic foresight, joins us in this episode.

UX Podcast · Defending against evil with Aarathi Krishnan - UX PodcastAarathi Krishnan talks with us about risk intelligence in a rapidly changing world. How will we know the solutions we design now will be fit for purpose?
Respondió en el hilo

@ErikUden This is not a minor issue. #Mastodon was all about #freedom. Now the number of arbitrary rules I have to obey makes this platform a hostile environment. Arguing with readability while the inferior #UX stems from deliberate developer decisions is quite ridiculous. Forcing me to repeat myself is a red line I hope you do not dare to cross.

Sad enough the #fediverse has become what it was trying to fight against.

Fresh from the press at Interacting with Computers (with Lianara Dreyer and Marc Hassenzahl):

We introduce the "Witness Experience Inventory", a new method to better understand how other people (not the user) experience interactions with technology in social situations. This turns out to be quite challenging, which we lament in some detail, but we also offer a middle-ground that acknowledges the complexity and produces actionable insights.

Du: Behindert, BIPoC und Developer*in / UXler*in / Grafikdesigner*in / in einer ähnlichen beruflichen Ausrichtung.

Mein Angebot: Wenn du fit im Thema digitale Barrierefreiheit werden willst, dann biete ich dir kostenloses, langfristiges, privates Mentoring an. Ich bringe 20+ Jahre an Erfahrung im Bereich der digitalen Barrierefreiheit mit und möchte dieses Wissen gerne mit dir teilen.

Wenn du Interesse hast, schreib mir gerne eine Nachricht.

A bit more looking at #VLC documentation reveals that it's very thin for such a ubiquitous and long-lived project.

It's bizarre that the "playlist" word itself is the first item you see, in the most prominent position in the app, yet the word is almost totally missing from the documentation. Searching gives you only three hits, all down in the weeds of disk paths and inner workings.

All the documentation of making and managing playlists is 3rd party sites on the web.

Тем временем я обнаруживаю, что на @peertube нет отложенной публикации видео.

Ну окей.

Значит завтра подкаст выходит в Castopod, YouTube и Telegram по расписанию, а на PeerTube - когда проснусь и вспомню 🤷

Just so you don't only hear me complaining about @zenbrowser: This week I discovered Alt-Click, which opens the target link an in-page frame (or whatever you call it) - works on any link, as far as I can tell, extremely practical in many use cases, especially the kind where you'd otherwise either open links in new tabs, or have to keep going back & forth 👍

A list of search results is a good example & yes, of course I type Grace Hopper as an example search 😁

This week's newsletter is inspired by the first female winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, for debunking the ecofascist "tragedy of the commons" theory.

Elinor Ostrom's understanding of the social system that manages a common resource is critical for making trade-offs in our own work, which can build - rather than burn - trust.

#ProductManagement #UX #UXDesign

You'll never be able to make effective trade-offs without thinking holistically about the entire system, and the other people within it
The Product PicnicThe bounty of the commonsYou'll never be able to make effective trade-offs without thinking holistically about the entire system, and the other people within it