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13 publicaciones12 participantes3 publicaciones hoy

"... desde el almirante Craig Faller, jefe del Comando Sur en 2019, hasta su sucesora: la pugnaz generala Laura Richardson, quien desea aplicar el fantasioso “Excepcionalismo #estadounidense” mediante lawfare, fraudes electorales, golpes de Estado y hasta invasiones militares"

Megapuerto #chino en #Perú
| El topo Express
| Alfredo Jalife Rahme

El Viejo TopoMegapuerto chino en Perú | El topo Express | Alfredo Jalife RahmeEl puerto de Chancay, a 75 kms de Lima, será el primer hub de la logística marítima china en el océano Pacífico de América Latina

🔹 Economía

#Perú _ Xi Jinping y Dina Boluarte –presidentes de #China y de #Perú, respectivamente– inauguraron el puerto internacional de Chancay. Construido sesenta kilómetros al noreste de Lima, la capital peruana, pertenece en un 60,00% a una compañía mixta de capitales chinos. Valuado en 1.300 millones de dólares, el complejo representa una pieza clave de la iniciativa de la nueva Franja y Ruta de la Seda, que busca acrecentar el peso estratégico de China en el comercio internacional.

La "ciudad perdida" del Gran Pajatén, en la selva amazónica de Perú, atribuida a los Chachapoyas (1200-1500 d.C.). Debido al trabajo arqueológico descuidado y las interpretaciones aisladas, que lo desconectan de los hallazgos en su entorno, sus funciones o qué es han sido un misterio durante un siglo. Además, está amenazada por la explotación forestal y su mala conservación.📷Wikiperuvian #peru #amazonas #amazon

"On November 12 #Peru's Congress approved a law that protects police officers and Armed Forces members who use their firearms in acts of duty. If a weapon's use results in injury or death, the bill states that the authorities involved will not be subject to preliminary or preventive detention."

La Repú · Prohibición de prisión preliminar para PNP y FF.AA. dejará impune abusos donde la fuerza no se justifique, afirman especialistasPor Daniel Muñoz
Respondió en el hilo

@QasimRashid sadly this is becoming more and more common around the world. I’m kinda used to it from #Peru but it seems that this kind of behavior is getting more common and the public isn’t sufficiently outraged anymore. Donald Trumps ideology is despicable. But in a somewhat sane democracy, no matter if you’re in favor or against him ideologically, just his blatant corruption should have been enough to disqualify him. And he surrounds himself with more scum luke himself.

In 2013, #ChineseMining company #Chinalco (中国铝业集团有限公司) sparked an international conversation about extractive impacts with the news it had successfully relocated an entire #Peruvian town of 5,000 residents to clear space for a #CopperMine. At the time, the #relocation project in #Morococha, central #Peru, was touted as a solution to protect villagers from #pollution and #environmental degradation as a result of #mining practices, and as a potential template for #Chinese overseas #investment in #LatinAmerica.

Ten years later, experts describe the move as a “tragedy.”

Joselyn Jaua, a Peruvian #journalist who covers the #environment and communities in the region, explained to #GlobalVoices that Chinalco’s policies have deeply impacted both Old Morococha and New Morococha: “The rise of poverty is notorious for relocated and non-relocated people alike.”

Global Voices · A Chinese mining company relocated a whole Peruvian town. Now, they are struggling to surviveIn 2013, a Chinese mining company forcibly relocated a community of 5,000+ people in Peru. Ten years later, the community is living in poverty and the company has failed to honor its promises.

#Chancay will shave at least 10 days off what was previously a 35-day voyage to #China from #Peru , meaning vessels will no longer require a stopover at #Mexico ’s #Manzanilla port or #California ’s #LongBeach.

#Brazil -ian cargoes, which sometimes travel eastbound to Asia or via the #PanamaCanal, will also save at least 10 days of travel time

Financial Times · South America’s ‘made in China’ megaport prepares to transform tradePor Steven Bernard